This listing is for 1 box with 20 sticks.
Each Hem brand Hexagon box has approximately 20 sticks.
Each Stick is hand rolled using natural ingredients and approximately 9 inches in length.
It will burn between 40-60 minutes depending upon conditions.
Keep stored in a cool and dry place.
Red and Blue Dragons blood have similar fragrances but they aren't identical. Dragons Blood Red is Hem's original dragons blood fragrance. Dragons Blood Blue is a new version of an old classic.
Dragon’s Blood incense is a potent spiritual tool derived from the resin of Dracaena Draco, a tree native to the Canary Islands, Morocco, and Cape Verde. Dragon’s blood incense carries energies that help purify and ward off negativity. This incense is believed to amplify the power of rituals and spiritual practices.
Spiritual Properties - Protection, Purification, Love, Power. Banishing negativity, Attracting love, Space cleansing
ITIP: recommend smudging out your space at least once a week with Sage and then maintain that energy by burning White Sage Incense once a day.